Friday, April 24

Chapter 13- Baseball Magic

Ana Ontaneda
April 24, 2009
TV24A / ANT 1001 Gaunt

Baseball Magic

Whether it is for good luck or for superstition, many sports teams perform rituals and routines. It is true that it is more known and seen in baseball. I am not a baseball fan at all, but I have been invited to a fair share of several Mets games. I never really understood why the players constantly touched the plates with their bat and why they would unstrap and re-strap their gloves. At first I thought it was simply an OCD that a player gets when in a game. Only now do I have that "Ah-ha!" moment.

Although I haven't watched nor played baseball enough to make assumptions, I have played volleyball for a great time in my life. I can agree that there are some sorts of rituals/traditions that we used to do before a game, during a game, and after a game. I can remember back in 5th grade when I first started playing volleyball, my teammates and I would all dance to a Brazilian chant (or song? I don't even know what that was) in the girl's bathroom before every game. I also remember doing something that may seem silly now but back then it meant a lot to several of us. My teammates and I would put on a bandaid under our knee guards. I have no idea how that tradition even started but I remember how we would lock ourselves into the bathroom and put bandaids on our knee. I guess all this sounds very silly now but it was so important to us back then and these rituals are so important to players nowadays.

This chapter taught me that baseball is just a reflection of life. There are many rituals that we perform on a daily basis. No matter how strange they may be, they work for us.

Gmelch, George. "Baseball Magic." Conformity and Conflict: Readings in Cultural Anthropology, 12 ed. Spradley and McCurdy, 2008,126-135.


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